Monday, January 17, 2011

Need not to doubt

Need not to doubt, ensure the safety of food production, have to build up a set of perfect food to take charge of system.Is an important system construction, only have 《food safe method 》 is still not enough with the quick formation system of manage and guard against a mechanism.
Let numerous people delight of BE, the food takes charge of a problem to have already hoped to write in penal code.
Food is taking charge of has already hoped into 《penal code 》
The National Peoples Congress law committee pair chairman of committee Lee is making to make collective report to call "concerning 《 drafted plan (next call drafted plan)》modification circumstance" of the penal code revision bill(eight) in good time, the drafted plan took charge of the pertaining to crime responsibility that the personnel blasphemes a job crime to make to the food safety rules.

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